Media Center

Arthur Williams Middle School Media Center
Becky Henderson, Media Specialist
I began my teaching journey in September 1997. I completed my bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education and my master’s degree in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University. I can’t remember a time when I couldn’t read; I always have a book and/or Kindle in my hands! My love of reading changed the course of my teaching path from middle school ELA classroom teacher to elementary media specialist and now back to middle school. One of my favorite things is to see a student get excited about what he/she is reading and grow to love reading.
Here’s to the next adventure of discovering new books!
Arthur Williams Middle School has a subscription to an online eBook provider through First District RESA called SORA. SORA is for all grade levels. Teachers and students can use these sites at school without entering a password, but if your child would like to use them at home, they should use the following password.
Username: Example:
Password: first initial + last initial + date of birth (MMDDYY)
Example: Joe Wayne’s student ID is 12345 and his birthday is May 12, 1997 so his log in would be-
Username -
Password - jw051297
Please DO NOT share student passwords with anyone outside of our school.
Related Links
Follett Destiny Online Card Catalog
To search the AWMS media center collection, click on the Arthur Williams Middle School link.Renaissance Place
Teacher/student login to Accelerated ReaderAR BookFinder
Look up books to read.Galileo-Georgia's Virtual Library
A password is available from your school media specialist when linked off-site (off school campus).Accelerated Reader Home Connect
You can log in from home to check on your Accelerated Reader progress. Use your Accelerated Reader log-in.SORA our online eBooks provider.