Crisis Intervention Services
The Georgia Crisis and Access Line
The Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL) is a 24/7 behavioral health crisis call center operated by Behavioral Health Link through funding from the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. GCAL provides free and confidential behavioral health crisis intervention and access to behavioral health services. Anyone in Georgia can call GCAL for help for themselves or on behalf of someone else at 800-715-4225 or via the My GCAL app. Callers actively experiencing a crisis can speak with live clinicians trained in de-escalation. When needed, GCAL can dispatch mobile crisis response teams to provide de-escalation on-site. GCAL information specialists can also provide referrals for treatment in a caller’s area.
For access to services, please call the Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL). GCAL is available 365 days a year to help you or someone you care for in a Mental Health crisis, crisis related to a intellectual/developmental disability and/or substance use crisis. Download the MyGCAL app for text and chat crisis assistance. Search "MyGCAL App" in the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store.