Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum & Instruction

Welcome to the Wayne County School System's Curriculum and Instruction page! We are proud of teachers' work as we strive to learn and grow daily!

Dr. Brenda Edenfield

Director of Curriculum & Instruction 6-12

Dr. Brenda Edenfield
(912) 427-1000 ext. 390

Karla Ogden

Director of Curriculum & Instruction PreK-5

Karla Ogden

(912) 427-1000 ext. 380

WC Instructional Framework

Wayne County Instructional Framework

Designing the Instructional Framework

Designing the Instructional Framework

WC Pacing Guides

Wayne County Pacing Guides

Wayne County Instructional Technology Coaches

Wayne County Instructional Technology Coaches

Intervention Support Specialists-MTSS

Intervention Support Specialists-MTSS