Payroll Information

For more payroll information, contact Glenda Boone by email at or call 912-427-1000, Ext. 230.
For Flexible Benefits Plan or insurance information, contact Gwen Mikell by email at or 912-427-1000, ext. 231.
Wayne County School System pays certified employees according to the most current state pay scale. In addition to the state salary, all certified employees receive a $1,500 supplement. Some employees receive an additional supplement for duties beyond the regular school day. Current pay scales are attached at the bottom of this page.
Employees are encouraged to sign up for a Direct Deposit of their paychecks. Employees who use Direct Deposit will receive an email report of their pay and deductions each pay period.
For employees who do not use Direct Deposit, paychecks are distributed by the principal at each school during the regular school year. In the summer (June and July), paychecks can be picked up by the employee at the Board of Education from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Any paychecks not picked up will be sent to the employee's school when school resumes. Substitute paychecks may be picked up at the Board of Education between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on the pay date.
Payroll Dates:
Main Monthly Payroll (for everyone not paid under a separate payroll)--Last day of the month unless that day occurs on a holiday or weekend. In the case of a holiday or weekend, the paychecks go out on the last working day before the last day of the month.
Substitute Payroll--Paid on the 20th of each month unless that day occurs on a holiday or weekend. In the case of a holiday or weekend, the paychecks will go out on the last working day before the 20th.
Semi-Monthly Payroll for Maintenance, Custodians, and School Food Service (Lunchroom) Employees--Paid on the 15th of the month and the last day of the month.
Abbreviations on Your Paycheck:
CURRENT--Totals for this pay period
YEAR TO DATE--Total pay to date according to the calendar year (January 1 to present). This amount does not represent your current contract salary because part of it is always from the previous contract year unless you are a new employee.
Columns 1 through 4:
State Sa--Your salary from the state pay scale
Regular--Your salary from the classified or craft pay scale
Local Su--Your local supplement
SUPP--Any additional pay other than your regular salary and supplement
Imputed Income--This amount will only be shown on your paycheck if you have over $50,000 in life insurance through the Flexible Benefits Plan. It is calculated by the Flexible Benefits Plan. It appears as income on your W2.
The first column will also show your deductions from your gross amount of pay; the net pay will equal the amount of your paycheck.
FICA--Social Security
Federal--Federal income tax deduction
State--State income tax deduction
Total Ded--The additional amount from column 6 will be deducted from your pay.
Columns 5 through 7: List of any other deductions
GHI Certified--State health insurance for certified employees
GHI Non-Cert.--State health insurance for non-certified employees
Educ. Sys. Ins.--A life insurance plan offered through the Wayne County School System; is not a part of the state Flexible Benefits Plan
Annuity #1 or #2--Any elective annuity deducted from your paycheck. Examples are Valic, American Fidelity, New York Life, Professional, Franklin Life, Lincoln National, Putnam Investments, and Met Life.
TRS--Teacher Retirement System
PSERS--Public School Employees Retirement System
Permanent Life--A life insurance plan through Central United Life; is not a part of the Flexible Benefits Plan
Colonial Can.--Cancer insurance, whole life insurance, and accident; is not a part of the Flexible Benefits Plan
Central United-Cancer insurance
3B-Pre Tax--Flexible Benefits Plan deductions for term life, accidental death, long-term care, disability, vision, and dental insurance
3C-After-Tax--Flexible Benefits Plan deductions for dependent life (spouse or child), short-term disability, and legal insurance
3D-After-Tax--Flexible Benefits Plan Medical Spending Account
3E-After-Tax--Flexible Benefits Plan Child/Dependent Care Account
AFLAC--Specified event, hospital indemnity, and accident
Columns 8 and 9 show your sick leave totals, sick leave bank, and vacation as described on the Sick Leave page.