Wayne County Schools, in compliance with Georgia Law, provides workers' compensation insurance for school employees thru GSBA Underwriters Safety and Claims.
Workers' Compensation Insurance is for work-related injuries and illnesses only. If your claim is not work-related, you should file a claim with your group's major medical healthcare provider or personal health insurance company.
You must select one of the physicians on the school's workers' compensation approved panel of physicians. The list is attached below. There is a panel of physicians posted at each school and workplace. You can also find the list posted in public folders under workers' compensation.
Bills from physicians not on the panel will not be paid by workers' compensation insurance.
NOTE: All work-related injuries must be reported to your school administrator within 24 hours of the incident.
Please contact Courtney Vickers, Human Resources Administrative Assistant, by email courtney.vickers@wayne.k12.ga.us or call 912-427-1000, ext. 231, with any questions or concerns regarding your workers' compensation claims.
Documents are attached below.