RADA Fundraiser

Screven Elementary PTO
The sale ends Wednesday, November 17, 2021
What: We are raising money for our school.
Please Help!
When: We will begin taking orders and collecting money today.
Students should not sell door to door. Parents can help by taking
orders at work, church, and from friends.
How: We are asking each family to please, take orders for at least 5
or more items.
Money: We accept CASH, Money Orders, or Checks. Please make
checks or money orders payable to “Screven Elementary School
Delivery: Products are due to arrive by December 17, 2021.
Someone 18 or older must pick up the products.
Prizes: If you sell 5 items or more will be treated to a PIZZA Party!
TOP SELLER OVER $500 in sales wins $100.00 CASH PRIZE!!!
Other Prizes could be added after FInal Sales have been entered.
Items can be ordered online or catalog.
Share this link with your Family and Friends… they can
order online and their orders will be shipped straight to them.
If you have a family member and/or friend order online…
please make sure you let us know their name… so we can
give your student the credit.
They can order from the catalog and you turn all catalog
orders into the front office at SES by November 17, 2021