All Wayne County schools will resume normal operations tomorrow, Monday, January 27. We look forward to seeing all students and staff members.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
January 23, 2025 Parents/Guardians, Due to the continued hazardous road conditions, we regret to inform you that we will be canceling school once again on Friday. Additionally, all after-school activities will also be canceled for the day. Please keep your loved ones safe during this time. We hope to see you on Monday and resume a normal schedule. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. ------------------------------------------------------------- 23 de enero de 2025 Padres/Tutores, Debido a las continuas condiciones peligrosas de la carretera, lamentamos informarles que cancelaremos las clases una vez más el viernes. Además, todas las actividades extraescolares también se cancelarán ese día. Mantenga a sus seres queridos seguros durante este tiempo. Esperamos veros el lunes y retomar un horario normal. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
Schools Closure Logo
We would love to see our Screven Elementary Pirates having fun in the snow. Send pictures to Jennifer Moseley at Stay warm and safe!
about 2 months ago, WCSS
pirate snowman
January 22, 2025 Parents/Guardians, Good morning! Due to the icy road conditions, Wayne County School System administrators have decided to keep all schools closed on Thursday for the safety of our students and staff. Consequently, all after-school activities scheduled for Thursday will also be canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and road conditions closely, and make a decision regarding Friday as soon as possible. Please stay safe and warm during this time and take the opportunity to enjoy some quality moments with your family and friends. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 de enero de 2025 Padres/Tutores, ¡Buen día! Debido a las condiciones de hielo de las carreteras, los administradores del Sistema Escolar del Condado de Wayne han decidido mantener todas las escuelas cerradas el jueves por la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal. En consecuencia, también quedarán canceladas todas las actividades extraescolares previstas para el jueves. Continuaremos monitoreando de cerca el clima y las condiciones de la carretera y tomaremos una decisión con respecto al viernes lo antes posible. Manténgase a salvo y abrigado durante este tiempo y aproveche la oportunidad para disfrutar de momentos de calidad con su familia y amigos. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
School Closure Announcement
January 20, 2025 Due to the weather forecast, we have decided to cancel school for both Tuesday and Wednesday. Along with this, all after-school activities scheduled for these days will also be canceled. WCHS Basketball Homecoming, originally scheduled for Tuesday night, has been postponed. The Football Banquet, scheduled for Thursday night, has been postponed as well. When both events are rescheduled, we will share that information. As of now, our plan is to resume normal school day schedules on Thursday. However, we will continue to closely monitor the weather conditions and keep you updated with any changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 de enero de 2025 Debido al pronóstico del tiempo, hemos decidido cancelar las clases tanto el martes como el miércoles. Junto a esto, también quedarán canceladas todas las actividades extraescolares programadas para estos días. El regreso a casa de baloncesto de la WCHS, originalmente programado para el martes por la noche, se pospuso. El Banquete de Fútbol, previsto para el jueves por la noche, también ha sido pospuesto. Cuando ambos eventos sean reprogramados, compartiremos esa información. A partir de ahora, nuestro plan es reanudar el horario escolar normal el jueves. Sin embargo, continuaremos monitoreando de cerca las condiciones climáticas y lo mantendremos informado sobre cualquier cambio.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
Schools Closed
January 17, 2025, 2:10 PM: Wayne County School System officials have been closely monitoring the weather situation for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and acknowledge the potential for some severe winter weather in our area. However, at this time, it is still too early to make a decision about school closure. We will continue to watch the weather forecasts over the next few days, and as we get a clearer picture of what may happen, we will communicate that to you via email, our text messaging system, website and social media pages, and local and area media. As a reminder, there is no school on Monday due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. We wish you a safe and enjoyable weekend.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
Bearport Publishing
Career and Technical Instruction supports students who are enrolled in CTAE (Career, Technical, Agricultural Education) courses by providing real-world opportunities as students prepare for post-secondary life whether that be in a career, college, or university. All proceeds go to support students as they prepare for State Leadership Competition. Order shirts by January 31st. Contact Olivia Jern ( if you have questions.
about 2 months ago, WCSS
Georgia CTI
Christmas Crowns and Capes Brunch for Elementary Students
4 months ago, WCSS
Christmas Crowns and Capes Brunch  for Elementary Students
School Health Notification-Don't Leet the Flu Slow You Down!
5 months ago, WCSS
Don't Let the Flu Slow You Down!
Congratulations to the Lady Jackets softball team for their wins in the first round of the GHSA Class AAAA playoffs yesterday! We need a strong turnout from our fans for the next round as we host East Forsyth on October 22. Come out to Barbara Struckhoff Field and support the girls on their march to a state title.
5 months ago, WCSS
Softball Round 2 Announcement
FREE performance tonight! Come out to Jaycee Stadium tonight to watch the complete performance of INFERNO by the Wayne County High School Marching Band. You won’t be disappointed. Bring your friends. Bring your family. Bring your neighbors. Let’s give these kids the crowd they deserve.
5 months ago, WCSS
Due to the unpredictable nature of Hurricane Milton, we feel that it is in the best interest of all students and staff members to cancel school on Thursday, October 10. After consulting with Wayne Emergency Management, we anticipate seeing some wind and/or rain that may impact our area. We are expecting to be under a Tropical Storm Watch for the remainder of today and some of Thursday. Wind gusts may be as great as 35 mph, which is at the threshold for having buses traveling safely on our roads. In addition, with the ground already saturated in many places from Hurricane Helene there is a possibility that high winds could bring down more trees causing power outages. Please take the necessary precautions to ensure that you and your family are safe, and we will plan for school to resume on Friday, October 11. Also, we have had a number of questions from parents asking about Monday, October 14, and Tuesday, October 15. Those days are previously scheduled holidays for students. We do not plan to use those days as severe weather make-up days so enjoy that time with your family. Tuesday, October 15 is a workday for all WCSS employees.
5 months ago, WCSS
Hurricane Milton
WTOC News Exclusive: Wayne County School District hands out food to students following Helene -
5 months ago, WCSS
WC Logo
Wayne County School System Update: Athletes may return to practice on Thursday and Friday on a voluntary basis. Coaches will contact players regarding locations and times of practice. The WCHS football game previously scheduled for October 4th has been rescheduled for October 7th, in Perry, at 6 p.m. All other athletic competitions will be scheduled next week by the individual coaches. A date for students to return to school has not yet been determined. At the current time, power has been restored to all school sites with the exception of OES. We will keep you updated as more information is made available.
5 months ago, WCSS
WCSS Yellow Jacket Logk
Since the WCHS Homecoming activities were scheduled for later this week, we have had to reschedule them for Friday, October 18. The parade will be on Thursday, the 17th. Please help spread the word. Thank you!
5 months ago, WCSS
The Wayne County School System’s nutrition department is conducting a feeding program for children ages 0-18. Meal packages will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, October 1, from 11:00 AM to noon, at OES, SES, JEB, and MRSE. Pick-up will be conducted as a drive-thru at the front of each of these schools. Continue to follow our social media pages for updates. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El departamento de nutrición del sistema escolar del condado de Wayne está llevando a cabo un programa de alimentación para niños de 0 a 18 años. Los paquetes de comidas estarán disponibles para recoger el martes 1 de octubre, de 11:00 a. m. a mediodía, en OES, SES, JEB y MRSE. La recogida se realizará en el autoservicio en la entrada de cada una de estas escuelas. Siga nuestras páginas de redes sociales para obtener actualizaciones.
6 months ago, WCSS
Emergency Feeding Program
Due to the impact of Hurricane Helene, Wayne County Schools will be closed until further notice. Updates will be provided as soon as new information is available. Please stay informed by following our social media channels and local news outlets for further announcements.
6 months ago, WCSS
Wayne County Schools are closed for students on Thursday, 9/26, and Friday, 9/27. due to the weather.
6 months ago, WCSS
Schools are closed for students Thursday 9/26 and Friday 9/27
Don't miss important information. Be sure you receive notifications for Rooms within the Wayne County app! See the graphic for iPhone and Android directions to turn on your push notifications. *Not signed up for Rooms? Contact:
6 months ago, WCSS
Turn on Notifications for Rooms in the WC App
Activar las alertas de la aplicacion del condado de Wayne
Infinite Campus Parent Portal updated a new feature that allows you to reset your own passwords in the Parent Portal app in the future. Because of this, your Parent Portal app may ask to confirm your email address on file. Please see the graphic below to answer a frequently asked question regarding the parent portal app.
6 months ago, WCSS
Parent Portal Email Update
Parent Portal Email Updated (Spanish)